Thursday, March 4, 2010

March Madness: Or why I am wearing pink shoes.

So I talked my lovely partner into training for a 5K (training started
today). In preperation for the months of work we went and got fitted
for actual running shoes. This was a new and humbling experience for
me. Buying shoes has, for me always been about the look of them. You
go to the store, find the coolest looking pair in your price range and
buy them - usually in the wrong size cause they were out of them but
hey I will just wear extra socks or fall down a bit, no big.
Apparently that is not how it works. No, a very pleasent gentleman
makes you roll up your pants, walk for him, run for him, and then he
brings out shoes that are good for your feet. 3 pairs to choose from,
which all feel a bit weird after wearing ill fitting, hand me down
sneaks for so long. So after much deliberation and wearing two
different shoes at the same time, I finally find the ones that I
determine are the best feeling. Of course, they are the pink ones. For
those of you who know even a little bit know that I hate pink. It was
funny listening to the salesman try to tell me they are really red, or
melon, or any other euphamism for the color pink. So anyway, today I
rocked pink sneaks at the gym. At least I rocked them. Oh, did you
know that there are socks that are foot specifc. My new ones have
little R's or L's on 'em. Cool!
Sent from my mobile device

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the training and on embracing the pink.
